First we had lunch (or actually it was my breakfast). Aron enjoyed the red grapefruit juice, only wanted to eat egg-white, mostly of all just wanted to eat salt. The babybel cheese was fun to unwrap but after eating half of one he told us that he did not like this kind of cheese. It is okay, we will try some other cheese the next time. The cucumber was a favourite though. Also please note how nicely sister's glasses match my kitchen cupboard door.
In the lift on the way out for a walk. Look who has same kind of knitted hats! (And who look slightly insane... yes the one without the hat).
We checked out how much damage the storm done to the shore line, help build a little wall with bricks, looked at a miniature snowman some kids were making and talked to some dogs.
Then we found a very fun play-ground by just by the bridge for Kallbadhuset starts. No pictures from there though. And then we came across the remains of what we think have been a much bigger showman.
Aron managed to walk almost all the way by himself (there was some piggy-back riding on the way back home, and some complains that some people did not follow the rule of walking/running one side of white line, bicycling other side).