Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sushi with da Boys

They licked the maguro, they played with the hashi, they drank the shouyu and throw edamame on the floor. If not counting the edamame on to the floor throwing, it could have been me said Pipu-chan.

Edamame, oishii desu neeee.

Maguro, give it to me honey!

All on the floor, all on the floor....

The Sushi boys

And finally, the answer to what was in the bags. Pretty new kick-ass-boots and trousers that makes my butt very inviting to grab.


loneredwolf said...

You butt shouldn't be any more inviting to grab... it may cause trouble!

Mz B said...

Trouble shall be my middle name for next year :). By the way, we will have a new year before basically you will get an old year. So happy Old year to you! :)