Sunday, April 01, 2007


I'm in love - with spring. Went to Lousiana on my own today. The weather was brilliant and so was one of the exibitions. The boat trip was a bit annoying, lots of people and Danish kids being noisy. And then there were the WT (new code name Shigo) people stocking up on beer in Helsingor. Brought the iPod, it saved my trip.

The garden at Lousiana. Sat out in the sun for a long time. Don't know if I got much wiser.

I thought that the Sherman photo exibition would be interesting, but it wasn't. However, Chinese contemporary art show - Made in China, is well worth the trip to Humlebaeck. I even bought the catalouge.

Stood outside on Sun deck on the way back. I must say, spring has arrived, that is for sure.

After beansoup at David's place we went to Kino to see Tonari no Totoro. And yet again, some Shigo made themsleves know by laughing all through the film, with no regards to what was funny or not.

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