Sunday, March 25, 2007

Good Saturday

Today was one of my better days in a long time. I woke up around half 7 after a 9.5 hours sleep. The sun was shinning outside and the weekend had just started. I got out of bed, did 30 min of yoga and had a nice shower. Got dressed, unnecessarily good looking (please see Linnea’s blog for photo). Relaxed on the sofa, reading a book and cuddling with the cats until Linnea called.

Emma and Linnea

We are waiting outside in the sun shine. Hälsans Hus had an "open house" day and you could try out some of their activities at a reduced cost.

Hawaii-ian massage

The reflexology lady had left for the day when me and Linnea showed up, so I had to try something else. Body and soul united, yes it sounded a bit new agey. However, the massage felt nice and you were supposed to be completely nude. I think I would like to try something that applies a bit more pressure, like shiatsu massage.

Sushi in Lundagård

Linnea insisted on trying the ikizukuri sushi aka röv-sushi. It wasn't that good, a bit slimy, but now she knows. They had this super deal, due to some anniversary, so we only paid 45 SEK. The weather was nice and warm, but really windy. We spotted several couples hand in hand walking in the sun. "That will never last", said Linnea. She's very supportive when it comes to dissing couples, even if she has a boyfriend. We don't like PDA unless we are involved.

Soup for Sofie

After walking Linnea to the bus, I went up to Sara's place to celebrate the soon to be 26 year old. Norra Fäladen is up the hill, and against the wind today. I was sweating like a maniac when arriving there. We were served bean soup and cheese cake. And there were lots of German people.

Good looking Cat

Viggen being all cute as usual. He really doesn't like being carried around. I do my best to train him every time I'm over there, but so far no progress. He still screams like he is being pinched.

It is the same old stroy

And like most parties, Joding falls asleep.

This was my whole day in short. Now it is almost time to go to bed.


Rosa said...

Det var en händelserik dag må jag säga! Kram på dig och hoppas att även söndagen blir en bra dag. Solen skiner i varje fall.

Sister Sweden said...

I jodings försvar så sov han bara 20 minuter, sen var han vaken till 3! Så det så =)