Monday, October 08, 2007

Upon USB Discovery

Backlog is almost as popular word as mitigation at the Office, but backlog is exactly what I have had; not being able to transfer my photos to the computer. However, today when rearrangeing some furniture I found it - the USB cable. Like that weren't enough, I also got two photos from Magnus, one that I pretentiously taken myself, and the other an overview of last night's party/shingdig/box social/Hootenanny or watchamacallit.

Mz B might be spotted sitting under a green blanket with a glas of wine in her hand.

Lovely earings that I got from Linnea. They got all fancied up at ex-husband's place. I'm trying to work on that "I'm an advertising photo' feeling, preferably a fancy pancy fashion magazine type... someday I shall successed.

Aron on the balcony being all fall beautiful on september 1.

Me and sweet D-chan, went to an Orchidaceae exhibition at the botanical garden, a few weeks back. Many nice plants. And if you believe that growing these plants is something that predominately is done by older ladies with flower patterned hats, well then I simply have to give you that one. - reikyavik comma iceland fullstop.

They had interesting lighting at the show. The photos looks a bit studio-y.

GG was here visiting, and oh they look good together.

My pretty pretty boy.

We have all heard the old cliche, to kill your darlings. But I couldn't decide which one of them was best. This one or the one below? you say?
I like the darkness in his eyes. Wilderness in ny living room.


Peter said...

The composition in the first one is way better, it could use some focus on the little guys face and whiskers though. Me like. =)

Ylva och GrabbarnaGrus said...

Idag är det måndag och den 8 Okt... Grattis på födelsedagen!!
Kramar från Uppsala
//Ylva och GrabbarnaGrus