Sunday, February 03, 2008


My house is no longer a home. I thought I heard a step, I thought that I heard someone mjaoing.

I know that I will get used to it in a couple of days. Get used to having a flat without any cats in it. And a week is not that long, but they we all know. This is a test, a test to see if mum can handle living with my two fur balls. I will miss them like crazy if I move to the Japans. But then I'm afraid they will actually turn crazy if they are forced to go on the mega long trip to Japan.

Miss little Aron laying on my arm right now, looking at what I'm writing on the screen, trying to sneak some body heat from me. Miss the purr Mint makes when you pet his belly. Miss my babies....

One day at the time.


Rosa said...

Lille Aron låg i Th´s knä och värmde sig under filten i gårkväll.Mint låg en stund i soffan bredvid mig men sedan skulle han i väg och kolla in sitt revir.

loneredwolf said...

You could not take them with you? I'm sure they would love all the fresh sushi!