Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cannot Find Jesus

The pink "Smile Jesus Loves You" bouncy ball, that is. Aron loves it, and plays with it lots. Jesus would be proud. But now it is gone, and it is soon Easter and all. Anyway, it will turn up again.

The snow has melted, almost all of it. And it was sunny and nice when I went home from work. Unfortunately, I have a sever motivational deficiency at the office this week. Just want Easter to come and do nothing. Boring I know, but that is how it feels right now. I hope it changes soon, it is usually so much fun at the office.

Have done yoga and currently thinking of eating some sorbet, raspberry sorbet to be more exact. And do some M*A*S*Hing, which seem to be the only thing I can concentrate long enough this week to actually do.

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