Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Missing Charlotte

It is difficult not to, but I have wondered for sometime, if the day someone died is a day you should remember; or should one just try and ignore it? There are so many other days, even if they now feel like they were too few, that is so much more important to remember. In a way, a think I want to punish this day by ignoring it, a perhaps childish attempt to try and even the scores with this April 7, for I know all too well the importance of this day; the day her heart stopped beating and I was bereaved a friend.

When I think back to the spring of last year, and looking at the photos of then, it both feel like it was a very long time ago and that it was yesterday. I have changed, things around me have changed and so much have happened, but still everything feel the same.

1 comment:

Rosa said...

Det är så sant det du skriver. Man får försöka komma ihåg allt roligt ni hann med.