Sunday, May 18, 2008

4 days to go

If go is the flying to Japan. I'm looking forward to it, but not the flight. I'm rubbish when it comes to long intercontinental flights. Jet lag messes up my mind for days. Or at least it used to do. But one thing that is good about flights is that I tend to think so much clearer then, come up with good ideas and thoughts.

Actually starting to worry about practical stuff now, how to get hold of people while I arrive to Shinagawa, what to bring with, what omiyages to bring for the office etc. I think the office will get "lösgodis".

Got a few chapters left of "the dirt" that I should finish.


Christian said...

Bring me lösgodis god damnit!!!


Mz B said...

:) Well do.

Mz B said...

will... not well