Saturday, July 05, 2008

引っ越しの日 Moving in Day

Found an open WLAN in my flat; thank you unknown sharer! The strength is dropping now and again, and I loose connection, but still I'm out there :).

First of all, so far, I'm in love with my flat. It is ridiculously strange, and I'm just getting to know it. This I found wrapped around my super cool toilet. I'm sure that there will be more blogging about this the toilet of the future, consider this a preview. "STERILIZED - I can hear the music in the darkness. Flooting softly to where we lie. No more questions now. Let's enjoy tonight. Can't you see we've gotta be together. Just you and I." (Please observe the somewhat progressive spelling of floating.)

And thank you for being super thoughtful and installing a peek hole in my door, what ever would I do without it?

Maybe, just maybe I would have used the 1 x 3 meter window, right next to it... And speaking of useful tips, the girl from the flat company Linea, told me, try not to drop things or fall down from upstairs. Will do my best...

And this is something I hope I will never have to use here, mainly because I do not want to be caught in a fire, but also because this is something I will try and bring back to Sweden by mistake... I like the information sign, it is so discrete, especially in an completely white flat. I will probably keep it somewhere else in the flat as a decorative object. I plan to buy some flowers from the hanayasan and put in the window.

So while some of you were sleeping this happened:

I was picked up by Ken Relestate agent about 15 minutes after we agreed on, and driven over to Tomigaya. Here I was introduced to the flat, and got several very useful instructions... and some really stupid ones... I was introduced to the owner of the apartment building and his old mother. I hope to see more of here, I need a stand-in grandmother over here, plus I guess that she knows where to buy groceries, which stores that are good and which are not so good.

Then Watanabe (the man from Ken) helped me fill in the internet application form, it took 4 phone calls to the company before we managed to get it right.

After that I walked down to Shibuya, I must say I like being blond in Tokyo, I turn heads ;). I asked a police officer for directions to Bic Camera (if you know the tune, feel free to hum). And I think I managed, completely in Japanese, to buy one washer/dryer and a fridge. They will be delivered after 6 pm on Thursday. So I might have to go and buy some underwear and other clothes too.

Then, located the Loft and Muji. Bought a futon that I carried home. Bought a sandwich with potatoes and tuna in, and have now eaten half o it for breakfast/lunch.

Currently, I'm waiting for the gas man... the GAS MAN!! He will hook up the subscription for me.

On my todo list for tomorrow;
- Figure out how the air cons work. It is really cold and windy in here.
- Make a list of things I need to buy right away, and what can wait.
- Do neighbourhood re-con.
- Go and buy the things I need right away.
- Study Japanese
- Sleep.

Well, that is all for now. Stay tuned for more exciting news... :)


Daniel 小当 said...

And now I begin my move soon. Saw you came online just when I was off to bed yesterday (or this morning). We´ve got the world covered 24/7. :)

Salle said...

Fantastiskt rolig läsning :)
Är det månne din nuvarande hårfärg som gör att japanerna tror sig behöva förklara det uppenbara för dig hela tiden?

Mz B said...

Det svävar en fråga i luften, hur aggresivt bor japaner egentligen? Det sanneras efter någon flyttar ut och man lagar skador, folk blev förvånad att Kristians 3 år gamla lägenhet så ny ut... Jag kommer att undersöka detta längre fram...

Det kan kanske behövas tips om hur man inte förstör sig själv och allt omkring sig.