Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Flat Land Happiness

In the morning when I wake up... This is how happy I looked this morning. The sun peeking in through the blinds can be annoying sometimes, but I must say, it is a nice light to wake up in.

Two points of worry with this photo, 1) my teeth look strange, they are perfectly okay thought... no need to worry... 2) Have my eyes started to become a little tilted, is this due to my stay here in Japan? Water? Sushi? Edamame? what is the root cause?

My blinds, pretty pretty blinds...

Don't really know what to say. My flat is photogenic to the core.

1 comment:

Daniel 小当 said...

Ja den är så cool! Å du är fotogenisk oxå. Även om du hade fåt sneda ögon. :)