Saturday, September 06, 2008

Thanks for the Fish

My parents have this koi fish that is called Albin (due to his whiteness obviously). He is very curious and always comes to the surface if you go over to the pond. He might be checking for food, but I'm sure mother is right, that he just likes to have his picture taken.

Once again I had to borrow one of her photos and and play with it in photoshop for a while. And actually, Albin makes me question me eating fish again... If you just take the time, you'll find out that they actually have a personality or should I say fishonality.

Tomorrow Aron an Mint are planning to arrive to Kattarp on their Summer vacation. I hope that there will be lots of pretty photos of my cats playing in my parents garden. I miss them so much it is almost silly, but who can blame me, they are two little furry masterpieces.

1 comment:

Oban said...

Jag tänkte på dig när jag la upp de tre bilderna på Albin. Jag tycker han är så fräck, han blir så bra på bilde. De andra fiskarna kommer de också men de vågar inte sticka huvudet så högt över vattenytan när jag är där med kameran.
Det kommer bilder på Mint o Aron till dig i kväll/natt din tid.