Friday, June 12, 2009


Internet and phone connections are currently out of order at my parents place.

"Det började att jävlas redan i onsdags em då hördes det som ett vattenfall i telefonen. Jag har lyckats blogga via mobiltbredband. " (It started acting up already Wednesday afternoon, sounded like a waterfall in teh phone. I have managed to blog, using mobile broad band)

I must say, I have one of the few mothers that seem to be as addicted to internet and communication as their children. I'm very proud of her :) Visit her blog, you'll like it, lots of lovely early summer photos from her garden. Rosa's blog

1 comment:

Oban said...

Tack för det. Man måste ju ha kontakt med omvärlden särskilt när man har en dotter i Japan. Kram på dig.