Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lotus in Ueno

A little bit of rain drizzling down, no sun and lovely temperature, perfect for a Shibi-Ueno walk. 

Did not bring the good camera so there was one or two of those "almost falling into the pond" experiences. Lotus flowers and that experience were actually what finally provoked me to get the camera back in 2004. (2004?!? surely I would be allowed to get a new one, now... 6 years later?)

Seems like weather was very much like it was today, that day. Here are 3 pictures from the archives. 

Sweet baby sister was visiting, here walking next to Magnus.
Slightly over exposed, my little canon did not have a zoom.  Emma on the ground reaching out as far as she could, baby sister holding on to my legs to prevent a close-to-pond experience. 
Same thing, different year. 

The greenery seem to enjoy the climate too. And there is something with the little island that just make you think you're inside a Zelda game.

Did not find any diamonds, but did not look under the sculptures either, so there might very well be a few of them hiding. 

Speaking of underneath the sculptures, this is the La Porte de l'Enfer - Gates of Hell by Rodin and today I learned that it sits on top of a earthquake safety solution that lets it move a bit and still keep it standing; you really don't want to have a 6m x 4m x 1m bronze sculpture falling over.... especially if it was one out of 3 made from the original cast in 1917.

Walked along Tokyo University campus and then came across this pretty wall, or should I say walls. A beautifully aged red brick wall on top of one made out of stone. 


Sara Bonde said...

Och en liten lucka i muren som katten kan gå igenom?

Mz B said...

vilken lucka? ser inte...