Had a lovely day at work today. Made me realise how much I like my colleagues. It is a commonly known fact that I like being the centre of attention, that it makes me feel good. But, I must say I like even better when I see that the people I work with feel good about what they are doing. Planting the seed, watering it, nursing it, taking care of it, watching it grow... I want everyone to be the best they can be, and then some. I want them to blossom and spark, to see the road ahead, to feel good about what they do.
The other day I was thinking what I should blog from the far east, the capital of my heart, the home Islands, call it what you which, I call it Tokyo. I hope there will be a signature on paper soon. The constant battle between public and private. What should stay in my head, what should go in my private log, what should go on my blog. I gain a lot from being open and vulnerable people tell me. But the question is, what do I loose? I want the people I work with to feel safe, to feel that I'm their safe spot, that I will carry them through... do I really want them to feel that? I really want them to feel like they themselves will be able to carry them home. And I know they will.
We are making mobile phones... I mean that is nothing really, put in a more existential glimmer. What we actually are making is success, successful living, successful thoughts about what we are doing. We are making friends that will last a life time. Are we? or is it just me that are investing? Investing? what does that actually mean? If I'll die tomorrow, I'll be all right, because I believe, that after we're gone, the spirit carries on. Puhuha, I don't actually believe that... when you're gone, you're gone. But until that shivering minute I'll be kickin' an' screamin'. :)
World Wide Web, I've been called... Is that fair... why is i bothering me? I want to be someone you can tell secrets. Information wants to be free... who was it that said that? Stewart Brand.... in1984... Does it really? And should I support it´s wishes?
Well time to go to bed now... help me out here, please.. . what do you think? feel?