Wednesday, April 02, 2008


So, NFGK thinks that Beastie boys could make loud green vests look cool, and I just had to do some Intergalactic, planetarian...

Intergalactic For those of you with knowledge of the local area, it is Shinjuku and Shibuya that is used for backdrop in the song... at least according to Wikipedia... my first guess was Shinbashi, but that is a rather small station.


Daniel 小当 said...

You don´t agree? Ah well looks like we both like the song anyway. :)

Mz B said...

I totally agree... :)

Vad sören heter den videon med kattungarna... den e kul.. är det beastie boys... eller ? kommer inte ihåg..

Daniel 小当 said...

Scora lite catnip! :) Tror det är Fatboy slim. Låten the Joker. Måste youtuba.