Monday, July 14, 2008

Don't you wish or GF were HOT like me?

This is me about 40 minutes after Hot Yoga class ended and I'm still sweating like insane; not sure that it shows in the photo. Was a nice class today. I tried to push the positions a little further and actually feel a little bit worked out now.

On the train home I ran into N.P. -san, I suspect there will be big problems with futsukayoi for him in the morning. He was constantly telling his friend that there was no problem, NP NP NP and then he tried to speak English to me.... while his slightly embaressed friend tried to get him to stop.

1 comment:

Rosa said...

Svårt att se svettpärlor på foto då får man nog vara väldigt nära.
När jag såg dig tyckte jag du såg så fräch ut.