Sunday, July 13, 2008

Early Evening in my Hoods

Went out for an early evening walk in my hoods. That is Tomigaya, Yoyogi, shibuya and back. The first photo is not actually from last evening to be perfectly honest. I tried my new bubble bath from the Loft. Not so much bubbles, but the water got all pink. Have not perfectly mastered my the water system to the tub just yet. San-yuu do. But I think it was the tap water I changed, so I had to use the shower handle and fill up with colder water. Shou ga nai ne.

Nice flower on a back street, near by. Is this a "papegoj blomma" mum?

Typical not so new Japanese 2 floor building, but please observe the lovely Hydrangea in front of the building. (the flower is called Ajisai in Japanese, and is a native flower)

Lovely summer meadow on the country side, no a hill towards Yoyogi park. But with the right perspective you can dream yourself away to a much quieter place.

Down town Shibuya, the crossing outside one of the parcos. (street from Tower records to tokyu hands, if you are familiar with the place).

Do you believe that only one piece of clothing can make your dream come true? ... hmm.. no but a complete wardrobe might very well do the trick!

And it wasn't that expensive anyway, and I needed a bag that I could carry on my shoulder and it had a nice green colour... do I have to make up more excuses or are you with me on this one? (it was about 300 SEK)

1 comment:

Rosa said...

Hej Emma
Blommorna heter Kanna, vi har sådana vid växthuset. Orange röda och gula men mina blommar inte ännu.