Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hey Baby!

"You're shoppin'" - Damn straight I am.

But beside stating the obvious, is this a successful method for starting a conversation with girls a Sunday noon in Shibuya? I think not. And still it seems to be the strategy of choice among some black men, loitering on street corners.

Walked passed the beer machine, the plot is building up. It seems only allowed to put 100 and 50 yen coins in it.... Don't know why I report this, but I guess if someone is planing to use it at some point this could be relevant information.

Boss was sleeping outside, in the shade. He's a Japanese bobtail cat, which is good. Then he will not start walking on his hind legs and his tail will not get forked into two... and he will not raise the dead or take over their spirits. Although, I might buy him some fish one day and practice his walking skills. Both Aron and Mint are pretty good at this.

So why are there no photo today? Because, I forgot both phone and camera at home. But I might go outside little later...

And for those of you who might be interested. I know now where the Betsy Johnson shop in Shibuya is located, and they had a 50% summer sale. But did not find anything I liked. That fit me... that is....

Summer sale in shibuya... :) It is super hot outside, but still people are pretty well covered up. Seemed like only I and some of the really tanned shibuya girls were wearing shorts, with out leggings.

Found a lovely t-shirt with the text "you say you feel happy, you are lying". Did not buy it..

And now some Japanese and then perhaps a little nap. One gets awfully tired when it is this hot..

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