Monday, December 15, 2008

Death, survival, and morphological development of hippocampal granule cell born in an inflammatory enviroment

I just found it on top of my freezer and it was just what I needed to find; baby sister's doctoral thesis. I'm tired with that lovely vibrating feeling added on top and basically just used all my power to get me inside the door and down on the lovely warm heated floor to sleep until the morning. But then I saw it, and there were a little marker and I read the acknowledgements.

Someone else online during the night, willing to listen, is of cause my one and only sister Emma. She has gone off to Japan, yet again, forcing me to settle for a virtual sisterhood. Oh, how I miss you. You are my morality, and my immorality. You once taught me to read, and there's absolutely no way I could have finished this thesis had I been illiterate! What would I be without you? Even though you are across the globe doing your thing, you always remember me, you always support me, and you are always the best sister I could dream of. I will never stop being your imoto. Oh, and also, thanks for taking an interest in my lab work (mounting those slides, and meeting the rats), and for introducing me to your in-Sweden replacement - sweet Daniel.

Vad ska man säga? Jag är utomordenligt stolt över dig och glad över att du är min syster. Och du lyckades åter en gång göra det du är bäst på, att lyfta mig när jag är nere.

1 comment:

Sara Bonde said...

Det gör jag så gärna så!