Then we walked from the Embassy to Roppongi Hills, passing several other embassies on the way. Why is it that all the cool embassies have armed guards and preparations to shut down traffic with big iron gates, and any one can walk straight into Sweden. At least we could have some vicious looking Dalahästar standing guard outside or something.
October fest in May... at Roppongi hills. Then walked home to Ebisu, via Hiro supermarket. Found out that there are more seasons of Six Feet Under than previously know...
Lovely orchids at the way to the restaurant. I was easily convinced to do oysters instead of making food at home.
Then walked home from Ebisu to Shibuya at 2.30 am, the weather was so nice, and Tokyo nights are there to be enjoyed.
Now... give me and A, give me a K, give me an I.... and so on and so forth...